swift – iOS metallic dynamic library

swift – iOS metallic dynamic library

I encountered a problem; I can’t appear to attach a dynamic library to the mission.

What I’m doing: first, I’m making an attempt to create the dynamic library on this approach.

xcrun metallic -c dynShaders.metallic -o dynShaders.air
xcrun metallib dynShaders.air -o dynShaders.metallib

The contents of dynShaders.metallic.

#embody <metal_stdlib>
utilizing namespace metallic;
#import <simd/simd.h>
float4 dynamicTestFunction() {
   return float4(0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);

Subsequent, I load the metallib on this approach.

 let libraryURL = Bundle(for: kind(of: self)).url(forResource: "dynShaders", withExtension: "metallib")!
 do {
    self.dynLibrary = strive machine.makeDynamicLibrary(url: libraryURL)
    print("Library efficiently loaded!")
 } catch {
    print("Did not load library: (error)")
    self.dynLibrary = nil

With this method, I constantly get an EXC_BAD error with none extra clarification. The trail exists, the file is there, however the error happens with no data offered.

Subsequent, I attempted in search of different choices to compile the library and located this line within the official Apple documentation.

xcrun metallic -dynamiclib dynShaders.metallic -o dynShaders.metallib

Such a library hundreds efficiently and doesn’t produce any errors.

Subsequent, I compile the shader from the textual content the place I attempt to use a perform from the dynamic library on this approach.

let compileOptions = MTLCompileOptions()
if let dynLibrary {
    compileOptions.libraries = [dynLibrary]
let library = strive machine.makeLibrary(supply: supply, choices: compileOptions)
return library.makeFunction(identify: "dynamicShader")

Here’s what the ultimate shader seems to be like, the one I’m making an attempt to compile.

#embody <metal_stdlib>
utilizing namespace metallic;
#import <simd/simd.h>

extern float4 dynamicTestFunction();

fragment float4 dynamicShader(VertexIn vertexIn [[stage_in]]) {
    float4 colour = float4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
    colour = dynamicTestFunction();
    return colour;

And I at all times get an error.

Shader compilation error: Error Area=MTLLibraryErrorDomain Code=3 "Undefined image(s) for structure 'air64':
  '_Z23dynamicApplyMainTexturev', referenced from:
      dynamicShader in program_object_0
error: image(s) not discovered for goal 'air64-apple-ios18.0.0'
" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Undefined image(s) for structure 'air64':
  '_Z23dynamicApplyMainTexturev', referenced from:
      dynamicShader in program_object_0
error: image(s) not discovered for goal 'air64-apple-ios18.0.0'

I attempted compiling with the desired structure, nevertheless it didn’t assist, like this.

xcrun metallic -dynamiclib dynShaders.metallic -arch air64 -o dynShaders.metallib

I additionally tried including the structure when creating the .air.

xcrun metallic dynShaders.metallic -arch air64 -c -o dynShaders.air

What am I doing unsuitable, and the way do I appropriately use a dynamic library?

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roosho Senior Engineer (Technical Services)
I am Rakib Raihan RooSho, Jack of all IT Trades. You got it right. Good for nothing. I try a lot of things and fail more than that. That's how I learn. Whenever I succeed, I note that in my cookbook. Eventually, that became my blog. 
I am Rakib Raihan RooSho, Jack of all IT Trades. You got it right. Good for nothing. I try a lot of things and fail more than that. That's how I learn. Whenever I succeed, I note that in my cookbook. Eventually, that became my blog. 

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roosho Senior Engineer (Technical Services)
I am Rakib Raihan RooSho, Jack of all IT Trades. You got it right. Good for nothing. I try a lot of things and fail more than that. That's how I learn. Whenever I succeed, I note that in my cookbook. Eventually, that became my blog.