Outage of Microsoft 365 and Azure Causes Major Disruptions

Significant Outage Affecting Both Microsoft 365 and Azure Services Left Millions of Users Across the Globe Experiencing Service Disruptions on July 30, 2024

Outage of Microsoft 365 and Azure Causes Major Disruptions

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Massive Microsoft 365 & Azure outage disrupts services worldwide, affecting Teams, Outlook, and more! Find out what caused the chaos.
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A significant outage affecting both Microsoft 365 and Azure services left millions of users across the globe experiencing service disruptions on July 30, 2024. The widespread issue primarily impacted services such as Microsoft Teams, Outlook, SharePoint, and Azure, leading to frustrated users unable to access their accounts or perform critical business functions.

What Happened?

Microsoft acknowledged the outage in a statement, confirming that the root cause was traced to a networking configuration issue within Azure’s infrastructure. According to the company, a change implemented in the Azure Wide Area Network (WAN) caused cascading failures across other services reliant on Azure’s cloud, such as Microsoft 365.

  • Affected Services:
    Key services that faced downtime include:
    • Microsoft Teams
    • Outlook (email and calendar)
    • SharePoint
    • Azure services (hosting and development)
  • Regions Impacted:
    The outage was felt globally, but users in North America, Europe, and Asia reported the most significant disruptions.

Microsoft’s Response

The company’s engineers quickly identified the problem and began working on a resolution, rolling back the network configuration change. Microsoft posted regular updates via its Microsoft 365 Status Twitter account, providing users with progress reports.

A Microsoft spokesperson stated, “We are fully aware of the inconvenience this has caused and are working diligently to restore services as soon as possible.”

Timeline of the Outage

The outage lasted several hours, beginning in the early morning hours of July 30th (UTC), with the first signs of recovery appearing in the afternoon. Services began to come back online gradually, but full restoration was not achieved until later in the evening. During this period, Microsoft Teams, which has become a critical tool for remote work, remained inaccessible for many.

Azure’s Role in the Issue

Azure is at the core of Microsoft’s cloud services infrastructure, powering applications like Microsoft 365. The WAN misconfiguration, though seemingly isolated, had a knock-on effect across services dependent on Azure’s infrastructure. This highlights the interconnected nature of cloud ecosystems, where small changes can have widespread consequences.

  • Azure’s Networking Configuration:
    Azure’s WAN plays a critical role in ensuring seamless communication between Microsoft’s data centers around the world. When the networking configuration failed, it disrupted access to core services for millions.

Customer Impact

The outage affected not only individual users but also large enterprises relying on Microsoft 365 for their daily operations. Businesses utilizing Azure-hosted applications and services faced delays and downtime, which impacted productivity and, in some cases, led to financial losses.

One user reported, “We couldn’t access our emails or Teams for hours, which completely stalled our operations for the day.”

Microsoft’s Future Actions

Microsoft has promised to review its internal processes to prevent similar outages from happening again. In addition, the company will be conducting a post-mortem analysis of the event to better understand how a single misconfiguration could lead to such widespread disruptions.


The July 2024 Microsoft 365 and Azure outage underscores the vulnerability of even the most robust cloud infrastructures to misconfigurations and errors. While Microsoft moved swiftly to resolve the issue, the incident serves as a reminder of the challenges in maintaining global cloud services at scale. Microsoft users can expect more communication from the company as it outlines the steps taken to prevent such incidents in the future.

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roosho Senior Engineer (Technical Services)
I am Rakib Raihan RooSho, Jack of all IT Trades. You got it right. Good for nothing. I try a lot of things and fail more than that. That's how I learn. Whenever I succeed, I note that in my cookbook. Eventually, that became my blog. 
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