Secrets Exposed: Discover the Best WordPress Hosting No One Wants You to Know About!

Secrets Exposed: Discover the Best Wordpress Hosting Company No One Wants You to Know About!

Secrets Exposed: Discover the Best WordPress Hosting No One Wants You to Know About!

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Discover the best WordPress hosting companies, their pros and cons, and choose the perfect one for your website. Get exclusive discounts and expert recommendations. Don't miss out!
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We will go over the 9 top WordPress Hosting companies one by one and talk about the pros and cons of these companies. By the end of this article, you will know precisely which company you should go with to host your WordPress website. As a bonus, I have special discounted pricing for all these companies. I have the hookup! In each review, the links will get you discounts on your WordPress hosting, no matter which company you go with. But, at the end of this article, I’m going to share which one of these companies I actually recommend that you go with for your WordPress hosting.    


Only three of these companies are actually recommended as a host by WordPress themselves.

Let’s get started first with SiteGround.  


Siteground: Wordpress-recommended, Easy Setup, Affordable, High Quality, Reliable, Fast Servers, Free Ssl. Cons: Mid-tier Pricing, Low Plan Limits, High Renewal Fees, Limited Availability. Changed Favorite Host; Terms Like Bandwidth, Uptime, Page Speed Important.
SiteGround: Quality WordPress hosting with free SSL; drawbacks include pricing, plan limits, and availability.

The first pro for SiteGround is they’re actually one of the three companies recommended by WordPress themselves as a recommended host. The second pro is it’s effortless to set up a WordPress or a WooCommerce website using SiteGround as your host. I’ve done many tutorials on this site showing you how to set up your WordPress website in as little as four minutes. They also have very affordable pricing, though they are not the most affordable host. Hostinger, which I’ll discuss later in this article, is the most affordable host. They’re also really high quality. SiteGround is also very reliable and they have fast servers. If you sign up with SiteGround, you also get a free SSL certificate. An SSL certificate will ensure that all communications via your website are secure. You especially need an SSL certificate if you’re planning on taking credit card payments, having passwords, or doing anything that needs protection for your users. Some hosting companies charge you for an SSL certificate, but SiteGround will give you this for free. 

As for cons for SiteGround, their pricing is mid-tier, though recently they did lower their prices a little bit, but typically their prices are quite a bit higher. Another massive con with SiteGround is they have pretty low plan limits. With their lowest plan, you can only have one website, and you only get 10 gigabytes of web space. You’re only allowed 10,000 monthly visits, so if you’re planning on uploading many images and videos to your website, SiteGround might not be the best option. They also have high renewal fees. SiteGround is also not available in every country; it’s not available in India, for instance. SiteGround used to be my favorite Hosting company. Still, I recently changed who I would recommend as my favorite Hosting company, and I will share who that is later in this article. Throughout this article, I’ll explain some terms like bandwidth, uptime, and page speed and why they’re so important that you know before paying for hosting for the first time. 


  • One of the three companies recommended by WordPress 
  • Easy to set up WordPress or WooCommerce websites 
  • Affordable pricing 
  • Reliable with fast servers 
  • Free SSL certificate 


  • Mid-tier pricing 
  • Low plan limits (only one website, 10 GB web space, and 10,000 monthly visits on the lowest plan) 
  • High renewal fees 
  • Not available in all countries (e.g., India)


Bluehost: Wordpress-recommended, Popular, Trusted, Affordable Plans. Cons: Overpriced, Slow Page Speed, Bad Uptime, Affiliate-driven Popularity. Part of a Giant Conglomerate, Buying Smaller Hosting Companies.
Bluehost: Popular WordPress hosting with affordability, marred by slow page speeds and unreliable uptime.

The second Hosting company we’ll be talking about is Bluehost. Bluehost is also recommended by WordPress themselves, and it’s also probably one of the most popular Hosting companies. Because of that, it’s one of the most trusted hosting companies. In fact, the first time I ever purchased hosting, I purchased it from Bluehost. But, if I were to purchase WordPress hosting again today, knowing everything I know, I would not choose Bluehost, and I’ll get to why that is in just a minute. They do have relatively cheap plans. They can offer such cheap plans partly because they go around. They buy smaller hosting companies, and they aggregate them into this giant conglomerate of a company. But the biggest problem with Bluehost is I actually think that they’re overpriced. I’ve had a ton of issues using Bluehost in the past, including really slow page speed. Page speed is how fast your website loads when someone goes to your website. In the past, when people would go to my website, it would take them five, six, or seven seconds before it would actually load up. That might not seem like a long time, but if someone goes to your website and it’s not loading after a few seconds, a lot of times, they’ll just leave your website and go on to do something else instead. This could cause lost sales and people never coming back to your website. In addition to that, they have bad uptime. Uptime is what percentage of the time your website is available, and no Hosting company has 100% uptime. Almost all companies have issues every once in a while, but most uptime is around 99.99%. With Bluehost, I’ve personally had a ton of issues with uptime. People will go to my website, and it’s not working, which again has lost me thousands upon thousands of dollars in sales. 

One of the biggest cons with Bluehost that nobody talks about is that it got so popular because they were one of the first Hosting companies to offer an affiliate program. This is where people would create websites promoting Bluehost, which made it so that people would favor Bluehost over other better companies. Nowadays, pretty much every hosting company out there has an affiliate program.  


  • Recommended by WordPress 
  • Popular and trusted hosting company 
  • Relatively cheap plans 


  • Overpriced for the value 
  • Slow page speed 
  • Bad uptime 
  • Became popular due to its affiliate program, not necessarily quality 


GoDaddy: Offers phone support, but overpriced and marred by upselling, poor UI, and subpar support

The third company we’re going to review is GoDaddy. There are not many pros with GoDaddy; I don’t recommend using them. The one pro I could think of is they have phone support. But there are a lot of cons. First off, they are overpriced. GoDaddy spends a ton of money on marketing and getting people to buy the domain name. Their domain names are relatively affordable. But they make money by upselling people like you to buy not just the domain name from them but also the Hosting and all kinds of extra features you don’t need. The plans and pricing don’t really make sense, and the user interface for creating a website is confusing, to say the least. On top of all that, support can be rude, and I know many people that have had bad experiences with GoDaddy support. 


  • Phone support


  • Overpriced 
  • Confusing plans and pricing 
  • Complicated user interface 
  • Rude support 

A2 Hosting 

A2 Hosting: Fast Speeds, Decent Pricing, but Poor Uptime, Past Hacking Incident, and Confusing Backend Make It Less Beginner-friendly.
A2 Hosting: Speed-focused provider with drawbacks in uptime, past security, and beginner-friendliness.

A2 Hosting is one of the fastest Hosting providers, so if you want a website that’s going to be really fast, A2 Hosting is a good option. They also have decent pricing for the kind of speeds that they’re offering. However, for cons, they have relatively poor uptime. They’re still at around 99.96%, which sounds good, but other companies are much better. I don’t recommend them because they got hacked a few years back, and it seems like they never fully recovered from that hack. The backend of A2 Hosting can also be relatively confusing, and it’s not the most beginner-friendly Hosting company to start your first website. 


  • One of the fastest hosting providers 
  • Decent pricing 


  • Relatively poor uptime 
  • Hacked a few years ago 
  • Confusing backend, not beginner-friendly 


Hostgator: Popular, Good Customer Service, Affordable; Owned by Same Parent Company As Bluehost, Offers Similar Plans. Choose Based on Lower Prices.
HostGator: Popular hosting with good service; compare with Bluehost and choose based on price.

HostGator is another popular WordPress Hosting website. They have good customer service and relatively affordable prices. But here’s a dirty little secret about HostGator: they’re owned by the same parent company that owns Bluehost. Since HostGator is usually a bit more expensive than Bluehost and offers relatively the same plans, I don’t see any reason to go with it over Bluehost. Now, sometimes the prices of HostGator are lower, and sometimes Bluehost is cheaper. If you decide between these two, just go with whoever has the lower prices. 


  • Good customer service 
  • Relatively affordable prices


  • Owned by the same parent company as Bluehost, offers similar plans at varying prices 

WP Engine 

Wp Engine: Fast, Reliable, Excellent Support; Highly Professional but 10x Pricier Than Competitors, Suitable for Those with Ample Budget, Not Recommended Due to Price.
WP Engine: High-quality hosting with premium support at a significantly higher price point.

WP Engine is fast, reliable, and has great customer support. Overall, it’s probably the most professional and arguably the best Hosting company out there, except that it is 10 times the price of all the other Hosting companies. Overall, it’s really a great host if you don’t want to get involved in technical things, you want great customer support, and you have a lot of money and don’t want to deal with any issues. WP Engine could be a good option, but I would not recommend them because I think they’re overpriced.  


  • Fast and reliable 
  • Great customer support 


  • 10 times more expensive than other hosting companies 


Inmotion: Popular with Good Speed and Uptime, but More Expensive Without Added Benefits, and Slower Compared to Other Providers.
InMotion: Decent hosting with speed and uptime, but pricier and slower than competitors.

InMotion is another popular Hosting company, but I couldn’t find many pros for them. They do have good speed and good uptime. Still, compared to many Hosting companies out there, they’re just more expensive, and you don’t get anything extra for that extra money you’re spending. InMotion is also one of the slower Hosting providers out there. 


  • Good speed and uptime 


  • Expensive without extra benefits 
  • One of the slower hosting providers 

Just two more Hosting companies left, including Hostinger, which I think is the most affordable company out there.  

But before we get to that, let’s discuss about DreamHost.  


Dreamhost: Wordpress-recommended, but More Expensive, Slower, Less Reliable, with Poor Uptime and Increasing Prices Despite Subpar Service.
dreamhost wordpress endorsed but suffers from higher costs slow speeds unreliability and poor uptime

DreamHost is the third company that’s recommended by WordPress itself. But other than that, I don’t see any advantages to going with DreamHost. They’re more expensive, slower, and less reliable than most other companies we’ve talked about. They also have poor uptime, and the prices continue to increase, although their service isn’t great. 


  • Recommended by WordPress


  • More expensive, slower, and less reliable than competitors 
  • Poor uptime 

That brings us to Hostinger. 


Hostinger: Most Affordable, Fast, Reliable, Easy Setup, Global Services in 40 Languages. Cons: No Phone Support, Occasional Backend Glitches, High Renewal Fees; Sign Up for a Longer-term Plan.
Hostinger: Budget-friendly hosting with global reach, fast and reliable, but lacks phone support and has high renewal fees.

Which is the most affordable Hosting option out there. I have the hookup with them; they gave me a coupon code. If you use “Travis” at checkout, you get an extra 10% off, so Hostinger costs just a little over two dollars per month. But the crazy thing about this company is they’re actually pretty good. They’re fast, reliable, and have an easy one-click setup for setting up your WordPress or WooCommerce website. It’s so easy to create a website with them that I could create one in just a few minutes. They also operate almost all over the world and offer services in 40 languages.  

But there are some cons with Hostinger. First off, they don’t offer phone support. So if that is important to you, Hostinger is probably not the right option. The backend can also be a bit glitchy; they have their own patented H-panel, and it works really well for the most part, but sometimes you might run into issues. Another thing to note is they have a relatively high renewal fee, so I recommend signing up for a longer-term plan because, after your plan is over, you’ll have to start paying that higher renewal fee.  


  • Most affordable option 
  • Fast and reliable 
  • Easy one-click setup 
  • Services offered in 40 languages 


  • No phone support 
  • Glitchy backend 
  • High renewal fees 

And for the winner, which hosting company you should go with depends on what you want. If you want the fastest Hosting company, I will go with A2 Hosting. If you want the most reliable Hosting company, go with WP Engine. But when it comes to the best overall Hosting company, it comes down to these two companies: SiteGround and Hostinger. And Hostinger wins for the best Hosting company because they allow you to store 100 gigabytes of data, create a hundred different websites even with their cheapest plan, and get a free domain name, email, and unlimited free SSLs. But I will share that one of the big cons with Hostinger is they’re constantly increasing their pricing. When I first learned about them, it was only 99 cents a month; now it’s over two dollars a month. So if you want to create your own WordPress website, I’ll link below to all the different hosts. Again, I recommend going with Hostinger; you can use coupon code ROOSHO to get an extra 10% off. So click on the link, start your WordPress website today, and I guarantee you’ll be so happy that you did.  

Our top recommendations: 

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roosho Senior Engineer (Technical Services)
I am Rakib Raihan RooSho, Jack of all IT Trades. You got it right. Good for nothing. I try a lot of things and fail more than that. That's how I learn. Whenever I succeed, I note that in my cookbook. Eventually, that became my blog. 
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